
MGAT9 - Self-Gravitating Systems


Bertin, Giuseppe

Talk Title

Models of partially relaxed and quasi-relaxed stellar systems


I will first show how models can be constructed [Bertin, G., Stiavelli, M. 1993; Bertin, G., Trenti, M. 2003] to incorporate an incomplete violent relaxation formation scenario for bright elliptical galaxies and demonstrate that they match quantitatively both the properties of the end-products of N-body simulations and the observed characteristics of many ellipticals. For smaller stellar systems such as globular clusters, I will then describe the construction of triaxial models that incorporate in a self-consistent way the tidal effects of the host galaxy [Bertin, G., Varri, A.L. 2008, Varri, A.L., Bertin, G. 2009, paper submitted], as a collisionless analogue of the Roche problem. As an additional example of the study of self-consistent solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson system of equations in the presence of external fields that break the natural symmetry associated with the one-component problem, I will also describe the construction of fully self-consistent models of a non-spherical isothermal halo embedding a thin disk [Amorisco, N.C. 2009, Tesi di Laurea, Universita’ di Pisa].

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