
OC1 - Primordial Gravitational Waves and the CMB


Keating, Brian

Talk Title

The Birth Pangs of the Big Bang in the Light of BICEP


BICEP is the first polarimeter developed to measure the inflationary B-mode polarization of the CMB at degree angular scales. During three seasons of observing at the South Pole, Antarctica beginning in 2006, BICEP mapped 2% of the sky chosen to be clean of polarized foreground emission. In this session I will present initial results derived from a subset of the data acquired during the first two years and discuss the unique design feature of BICEP which led to the first meaningful limits on the tensor-to-scalar ratio to come from B-mode polarization. I will discuss potential systematic errors and demonstrate that they are sub-dominant to statistical errors. I will conclude with a discussion demonstrating how BICEP's design and results will inform future measurements of the inflationary gravitational wave background.

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