
OC2 - CMB Experiments


Lee, Adrian


K. Basu, F. Pacaud, P. Ade, A. Bender, B. Benson, F. Bertoldi, H.-M. Cho, G. Chon, J. Clarke, M. Dobbs, D. Ferrusca, N. Halverson, W. Holzapfel, C. Horellou, D. Johansson, J. Kennedy, Z. Kermish, R. Kneissl, T. Lanting., M. Lueker, M. Nord, J. Mehl, K. Menten, M. Nord, T. Plagge, C. Reichardt, P. Richards, R. Schaaf, D. Schwan, H. Spieler, C. Tucker, A. Weiss, O. Zahn

Talk Title

Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Galaxy Cluster Obsevations with the APEX-SZ Experiment


We are observing known galaxy clusters via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect at 2 mm wavelength with the APEX 12 m telescope and a 320 pixel bolometer array camera. We are making 2D maps with unprecedented sensitivity and dynamic range of angular scales. We can explore the full extent of large nearby clusters with a resolution of 1 arcminute, and compare the radial profiles to theoretical models. When combined with x-ray density data, we can make radial profiles of temperature, gas density, total density, and gas-mass fraction. Such data allow us to address the question of missing baryons in galaxy clusters and to calibrate the mass-SZ signal relationship which is critical to interpret blind SZ surveys that are currently being carried out.

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