
SQG1 - Strings/Brane Motivated Gravity


Minamitsuji, Masato


Antonino Flachi

Talk Title

Field localization on a brane intersection in anti-de Sitter spacetime


We discuss the localization of scalar, fermion, and gauge field zero modes on a 3−brane that resides at the intersection of two 4−branes in six-dimensional anti-de Sitter space. It has been shown that four-dimensional gravity can be reproduced at the intersection, due to the existence of a massless, localized graviton zero-mode. We discuss under which conditions a higher-dimensional field theory, propagating on the above geometry, can have a zero-mode sector localized at the intersection and find that zero modes can be localized only if masses and couplings to the background curvature satisfy certain relations. The case of bulk fermions is particularly interesting, since the properties of the geometry allow localization of chiral modes independently.

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