
SQG2 - Loop Quantum Gravity, Quantum Geometry, Spin Foams


Pawlowski, Tomasz


M. Martin-Benito, G. A. Mena-Marugan

Talk Title

Concept of evolution in Loop Quantum Cosmology on the example of a vacuum Bianchi I model.


n LQC as a constrained theory there is no natural notion of time. Therefore, to describe the dynamics of the system, one usually selects one of the quantum configuration variables as an emergent time and constructs partial observables. In most of the models considered in the literature, the role of time has been played by a massless scalar field. However, in many cases (vacuum homogeneous universes, black hole interiors) such possibility is not at hand. We overcome this difficulty by constructing a set of families of (unitarily related) observables which however possess a neat physical interpretation only in a certain approximation. Applying this procedure to the model of a vacuum Bianchi I universe, we describe the dynamics of states which are semiclassical at late times, confirming in particular the robustness of the bounce also in vacuum systems.

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