
SQG2 - Loop Quantum Gravity, Quantum Geometry, Spin Foams


Dowdall, Richard


John Barrett, Winston Fairbairn, Henrique Gomes, Frank Hellmann

Talk Title

Asymptotic analysis of recent 4d spinfoam models


I present results on the semiclassical behavior of recent 4d Euclidean spinfoam vertex amplitudes using coherent state techniques. The analysis covers the model defined by Engle, Livine, Pereira and Rovelli (ELPR) for all values of the Immirzi parameter and the model defined by Freidel and Krasnov (FK) for Immirzi parameter less than one. We find that, asymptotically, the vertex amplitudes are proportional to the cosine of the Regge action and give geometric data that describe the bivectors associated to a geometric 4-simplex.

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