
SQG4 - Perturbative and Non-Perturbative Aspects of String Theory and Supergravity


Monin, Alexander



Talk Title

Effects of extra degrees of freedom on a decay rate of metastable topological objects


In many theories there are solutions, which existence is caused by the topology of a system. These are called topological solution (objects). The examples are stringlike objects (vortices), domain walls etc. Classically these objects are stable, meaning that a configuration with certain topological number can not evolve to a configuration with different one. Is is not always so at quantum level. Such a transition can occur due to temperature fluctuation or due to quantum tunneling. We calculated the rate of a string and domain wall breaking in arbitrary number of dimensions at zero temperature with preexponential accuracy. Both results exhibit similar property, the form of the result doesn't depend on the number of extra dimensions, once we express it in terms of renormalized parameters. It was shown that this picture doesn't hold for more then two dimensional objects. The corrections to the decay rate of a string at finite temperature were calculated.

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