
SQG4 - Perturbative and Non-Perturbative Aspects of String Theory and Supergravity


Moura, Filipe

Talk Title

R^4 terms and d=4 supergravity


We show there are two independent combinations of R^4 present, at one loop, in the type IIA and heterotic d=4 effective action, which contradicts the common belief that there is only one R^4 term in d=4 supergravity. In pure N=1 supergravity this new R^4 combination cannot be directly supersymmetrized, but we show that, when coupled to a scalar chiral multiplet, it emerges in the action on-shell. We then move to the N=8 supersymmetrization of this term and show that it cannot be achieved at the linearized level. This is in conflict with the theory one gets after toroidal compactification of type II superstrings being N=8 supersymmetric. We interpret this result in face of the recent claim that perturbative supergravity cannot be decoupled from string theory in d>4, and N=8, $d=4$ supergravity is in the swampland.

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