
SQG5 - Quantum Fields


Kaniel, Shmuel

Talk Title

An invariant joint alternative, by frames, to Einstein and Schroedinger equations


The Hodge-de Rham Laplacean on frames (an extension of the wave operator)is modified to model it on the frame itself. This modified Laplacean is invariant. The basic equation is: The modified Laplacean operating on the frame is equal to a source term times the frame. Kaniel and Itin (Il Nuovo Cimento vol 113B, N3, 1998) analyzed the equation for steady state and spherically symmetric frame (General Relativity). They computed a closed solution. This closed solution is intrinsically different than Schwarzschild solution. Yet it passes the three classical experimental tests to the same accuracy. The same basic equation is, also, the alternative to Schroedinger equation, where the source term is the electromagnetic potential. The same quantization is attained. The linearized equation is explicitly solved.

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