
SQG6 - Quantum Gravity Phenomenology


Das, Saurya


Ahmed Ali, Elias C. Vagenas

Talk Title

The Generalized Uncertainty Principle and Quantum Gravity Phenomenology


We propose a Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP) consistent with String Theory, Black Hole Physics and Doubly Special Relativity Theories, and show that it gives rise to an additional term in all quantum mechanical Hamiltonians (which become important near the Planck scale). When applied to well known systems, such as a particle in a box, it requires the box length to be quantized in units of the Planck length. This suggests that space itself may be discrete and that the continuum picture may break down near the Planck scale. We ask whether such discreteness can have observable consequences at length scales much larger than the Planck scale. We also examine some other phenomenological implications of the GUP.

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