
SQG6 - Quantum Gravity Phenomenology


Mayer, Alexander

Talk Title

An Experimentally Verifiable Theoretical Foundation for Quantum Gravity


According to the mathematical foundation for special relativity established by H. Minkowski, relativistic energy (E) is a complex number with |E| = mc^2 (i.e., mass energy), Re[E] = m.c^2 (i.e, rest energy) and Im[E] = pc (i.e., momentum energy). Thus, the E^2 term in the canonical energy-momentum equation is actually the square of a complex modulus (|E|^2 = EE*). Mass energy, which is the total extractable energy that can do work and incorporates only a subset of the momentum energy as relativistic kinetic energy, is generally a subset of the complete systemic relativistic energy budget, which is the linear sum of the rest energy and the momentum energy [mc^2 ≤ (m.c^2 + |ipc|)]. It is readily apparent from fundamental theoretical considerations that the momentum energy of a particle (|ipc|) manifests as a standing wave with a phase velocity of c (i.e., the speed of light) and that the “waving medium” is none other than spacetime, itself. The p-wave is a periodic distortion in the geometry of spacetime reflecting the periodic amplitude (i.e., spatially distributed energy) of the wave. At quantum scale, the distinction between a particle and its “momentum wave” or “p-wave” is analogous to the distinction between a source mass and its gravitational field. Superposition of decoherent p-waves sourced primarily from quark confinement in a source mass is consistent with creation of a large-scale deformation in the geometry of spacetime (i.e, the gravitational field). The existence of the p-wave and its role in gravity is experimentally verifiable. The nature of these experiments will be discussed.

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