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Gossel, Graeme


School of Physics, The University of New South Wales  - Kensington - Sydney - New South Wales - Australia










Oral abstract


Particle bound states in the gravitational field of finite-size bodies: spectrum collapse in the singular-metric limit
Co-authors J. C. Berengut, V. V. Flambaum, A. F. Spencer-Smith and Y. Stadnik


We investigate the bound state energy levels of quantum particles in the gravitational field of finite-sized (of non-zero radius R>r_s) objects. The bound states for massive spin-0, 1/2 and 1 particles are found for three specific interior metrics: Florides, Soffel and Schwarzschild and we examine their energies in the limit the interior metric becomes singular. For the Florides and Soffel metrics the singular point is the black hole case (R = r_s), whereas for the Schwarzschild interior it occurs for R=9r_s/8 and corresponds to a pressure singularity at the origin. In these singular limits all bound states tend to zero energy, where the binding energy is equal to the rest mass of the particle. However until there is a singularity in the metric, there are no zero-energy states, and hence no pair production occurs in these metrics. This contrasts with the Coulomb case, where a large non-singular field can produce pairs from the vacuum. We have also shown that the energy spectrum becomes quasi-continuous as the metric becomes singular [1]. [1] G. H. Gossel, J. C. Berengut, and V. V. Flambaum, Gen. Rel. Gravit., 43, 2673 (2011)

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