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Zenedin Marchioro, Dafni Fernanda


Universidade Federal do Pampa  - Travessa 45, n°1650 - Bairro Malafaia - Bage - Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil







Poster abstract


Quantum Current Algebra for the AdS5 x S5 Superstring
Co-authors Daniel Luiz Nedel


The sigma model describing the dynamics of the superstring in the AdS5 x S5 background can be constructed using the coset PSU(2, 2|4)/SO(4, 1) x SO(5). A basic set of operators in this two dimensional conformal field theory is composed by the left invariant currents. Since these currents are not (anti) holomorphic, their OPE’s is not determined by symmetry principles and its computation should be performed perturbatively. In this work, we calculate the corrections to the simple and double poles of the bosonic part of the left-invariant current algebra using the pure spinor sigma model of this background. This result is important since the integrated vertex operator is written in terms of these left-invariant currents. We also show that, although our result is not gauge invariant, it is gauge covariant.

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