Talk detail

MG13 - Talk detail

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Marciano, Antonino


Haverford College & Princeton University  - 370 Lancaster Avenue - Haverford - Pennsylvania - USA








14:30 - 14:45


Oral abstract


Vector Inflation and the Baryon Asymmetry Problem
Co-authors David Spergel and Stephon Alexander


I present work in collaboration with David Spergel and Stephon Alexander on a new model of inflation that also resolves the baryon asymmetry problem. Inflation begins with a large plasma density of interacting gauge fields and fermions, which interact through gravity and the Chern-Simons term. The Chern-Simons term drives power from an initial white-noise spectrum of gauge fields into a narrow-band of superhorizon wave vectors. At the same time, the fermionic current and metric coupling amplifies the gauge field on superhorizon scales. This phase-correlation and amplification of the gauge field produces the correct conditions to maintain more than 60 e-folds of inflation. The Sakharov conditions for baryogenesis are self-consistently satisfied, and we calculate the net baryon asymmetry index in terms of the gauge configuration necessary for inflation, based on the chiral anomaly. Eventually the gauge field dissipates by producing the observed baryon asymmetry n_b/s ~ 10^(-10), through the chiral anomaly and inflation ends. I end with a few speculation for how this model can be probed with upcoming CMB experiments such as PLANCK.










Oral abstract


The hidden quantum groups symmetry in super-renorlalizable quantum gravity
Co-authors Stephon Alexander and Leonardo Modesto


We will show the emergence of a quantum-group-symmetry structure in a recent model of super-renormalizable quantum gravity (SRQG) introduced by L. Modesto in arXiv:1107.2403. One particular realization, among the models presented by L. Modesto, has been shown in arXiv:1202.1824 by us, S. Alexander and L. Modesto to be endowed with an underlying non-commutativity of space-time. We will first exhibit that at linear level (quadratic in the Lagrangian) the propagator of the theory is the same we obtain starting from a theory of gravity endowed with the $\theta$-Poincare' quantum-group of symmetries. Such a theory is over the so called $\theta$-Minkowski non-commutative space-time. We will shed new light on this link and show that among the theories considered in arXiv:1107.2403 there exists only one non-local and Lorentz invariant SRQG that can be described in terms of a quantum-group-symmetry structure. Moving from these results, we will emphasize that, as a model of non-commutative gravity, the theory dealt with in arXiv:1202.1824 naturally provides, through the language of non-locality already discussed by M. Arzano in arXiv: 0710.1083 , an effective formulation in terms of non-local quantum field theory. As a consequence, using well developed tools of twisted-Hopf-algebra Fock-quantization, we will show that at the perturbative level in SRQG a description of multi-particle states belonging to the deformed bosonic Fock space of the theory naturally yields “planckian” mode-entanglement. These features, invisible to an observer that cannot probe the Planck scale, show at such scale a clear appeal for non-local structures described with quantum-groups.

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