Talk detail

MG13 - Talk detail

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Liu, Guo Chin


department of physics, Tamkang university  - No.151, Yingzhuan Rd. - New Taipei City - Tamsui Dist. - Taiwan








17:20 - 17:40 15' + 5'


Oral abstract


CMB induced polarization from single scattering by clusters of galaxies and filaments
Co-authors Elsa P. R. G. Ramos,Ant'onio J. C. da Silva


We make a characterization of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) polarization signal induced by a single scattering in the direction of clusters of galaxies and filaments, producing a statistical study of its degree and polarization angle. From adiabatic N-body/Hydrodynamic simulations, we simulated 28 random sky patches, each of about 0.86 deg$^{2}$ at angular resolution of 6''. We estimated the induced polarization signals from the presence of the CMB quadrupole component and due to the transverse motion of ionized gas clouds with respect to the CMB rest frame. From the evolution with redshift is evident that for both effects, most of the contribution comes from z<4. The power spectra of these induced effects have a peak at large multipoles $l>10^4$, therefore they will not be a relevant source of contamination for measurements of the primary polarization modes and at largest angular scales, CMB quadrupole induced polarization could be the dominant component over the primary and lensing signals.

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