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Lora Clavijo, Fabio Duvan


Intituto de Física y Matemáticas - Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo  - Avenida Francisco J. Mujica, Edificio C-3 Ciudad Universitaria - Morelia - Michoacán - Mexico








16:55 - 17:20


Oral abstract


Relativistic Bondi-Hoyle accretion into a black hole as a potential source of QPO's
Co-authors Francisco Siddhartha Guzmán


In this work, we study the relativistic Bondi-Hoyle accretion of an ideal gas into a black hole using penetrating coordinates. Bondi-Hoyle accretion is the accretion of a wind by a massive compact object, in our case a spherically symmetric black hole. A shock cone appears when the wind´s initial velocity is higher than the relativistic sound speed of the gas. This shock cone is a region where the density is much higher than the density of the wind itself and it forms behind the black hole in the opposite side of the source of the wind. In our case we consider the wind is a perfect fluid that obeys an ideal gas equation of state. What has been observed to happen, is that the density of the shock cone oscillates with frequencies near the low frequency QPO window. This problem has been solved numerically in the test fluid approximation, on the equatorial plane using Schwarzschild coordinates which are singular at the event horizon, which requires the use of an artificial boundary outside the event horizon, that eventually might provide wrong results both, in accretion rates and frequencies of oscillation. In this work we present a parameter space study of this problem considering the generalization to three dimensions, and most importantly, using horizon penetrating coordinates so we are able to track the accretion of the gas until inside the black hole.

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