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MG13 - Talk detail

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Chardonnet, Christian


Laboratoire de physique des lasers  - 99, AVENUE J.-C. CLEMENT - VILLETANEUSE - FRANCE - France








15' + 3'


Oral abstract


Future tests of variation of fundamental constants using frequency comparison between distant labs connected by optical fibers
Co-authors O. Lopez (LPL), A. Amy-Klein (LPL), G. Santarelli (SYRTE)


During the last decade, the development of ultra-stable optical clocks based on ultra-cold atoms or ions but also on molecules allowed series of test of variation of fundamental constants. These tests were based on searching a possible temporal drift of the frequency difference of optical clocks locked on quantum transitions which implied specific fundamental constants. Such possible drift could be the drift of fundamental constants as the fine structure constant or the electron-to-proton mass ratio. When the comparison implies clocks located in distant labs, the comparison requires the use of the GPS system which greatly limits the precision of the comparison. We present the project of a European optical fiber network which will permit to connect various ultra-stable clocks with virtually no degradation of the precision due to the transport of information. This network should also permit promissing space versus earth clock comparison via the ACES project for which ultra-stable clock will launched on the International Space Station .

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