Talk detail

MG13 - Talk detail

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Grunskaya, Lubov


Vladimir State University  - Gorkogo street - Vladimir - Vladimir region - Russia







Oral abstract


Connection of atmosphere electric fields with astrophysical gravitational processes


The aim of the work is the development of detecting methods and the prognosis of the presence of the geophysical and technologenic nature in the electrical and geomagnetical field of the atmosphere surface boundary layer, and on this base the development of the programme – analytical system for prognosing appearance of dangerous geophysical and technologenic processes. The base of the experimental investigations is the system of multichannel synchronic monitoring of electrical and geomagnetic fields at the spaced apart stations: a physical experimental proving ground of VSU, a station at Lake Baikal of the institute of the solar –earth physics, a station in Paratunka (Kamchatka), the Institute vulcanology and seismology, a station in Obninsk on the base of the scientific and production union Taifun. Contribution of the eigen vectors carrying information about frequencies corresponding to gravitational wave radiation of the binary star systems, extracted as a result of processing experimental information according to electromagnetic fields, was – 60 dB (10-6). Signal – to – noise ratio (the ratio of the maximum value of the amplitude spectrum at the chosen eigen vectors to its mean value) at the frequencies of GW radiation of the binary star systems for component E2 for the stations with long time monitoring (Voyeikovo, Verchnyays Dubrova, Dushety, Vsu, Baikal and Obninsk) was average 150 to 300.

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