Talk detail

MG13 - Talk detail

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Department of Physics, Jamia Millia Islamia  - Jamia Nagar - New Delhi - Delhi - India







Oral abstract


"Basics of Nulear Emulsion and its use in Research"


In 1950 a British Physicist C.F. Powell was awarded the Nobel prize for the discovery of charged pions by the method of emulsion technique. In the emulsion technique there are emulsion targets like H,C, N, O, Ag, Br. The emulsion technique was developed in the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Moscow. The Silicon projectile was accelerated to energy of 4.5 Gev per nucleon in the Syno-Phasotron of JINR and was impinged on the emulsion plates. When the silicon projectile hits the emulsion targets or nuclei the three types of particles were formed. Firstly the alpha particle the bound sate of two protons and two neutrons. Second one is the proton. The third type of particle is the pion which is interesting one because it is formed due to the formation of Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP). When the projectile hits the target the energy and momentum of projectile is transferred to the target and they attain the fourth state of matter which is known as plasma. In this situation the nucleons are de-confined and the up and down quarks are supposed to be free. So one up quark combine with one down-bar quark to produce one positive pion. Similarly one up-bar quark combine with on down quark to produce on negative pion. Emulsion is the very old technique. In 1895 Prof.Bequrell, Madam Curie and Pierre Curie used the emulsion plate to identify the alpha decay by radio active elements.

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