Talk detail

MG13 - Talk detail

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Melkumova, Elena


Department of Physics, Moscow State University  - Vorob'evy Gory, 1, st.2 department of Physics - Moscow - Moscow - Russia







Oral abstract


Plasmon-graviton conversion in a magnetic field in TeV-scale gravity


The theory of interaction of classical magnetized plasma with Kaluza-Klein gravitons in the ADD model of TeV-scale gravity is developed. Magnetized plasma is described within the kinetic approach as the system of charged particles and the Maxwell field both confined on the brane. Interaction with multidimensional gravity living in the bulk with n compact extra dimensions is introduced within the linearized theory. We compute KK gravitons emission rates due to conversion of plasmons as coherent field fluctuations in to gravitons in an external magnetic field. The conversion amplitude is contained in the two-point correlation function of the plasma energy-momentum tensors. The advantage of this approach consists in a self-contained account for collective plasma effects. The main contribution comes from gravitons with dispersion relation coinciding with that of plasma wave. This happens for certain directions of plasmon propagation in the magnetic field. The power of KK gravitons emission due to this effect is obtained and the corresponding astrophysical estimates are presented.

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