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MG13 - Talk detail

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Belvedere, Riccardo


Sapienza - University of Rome - ICRA  - P.zzale Aldo Moro 5 - Rome - Italy - Italy







Oral abstract


Neutron star equilibrium configurations within a fully relativistic theory with strong, weak, electromagnetic and gravitational interactions


A neutron star configuration without electromagnetic structure, imposing local charge neutrality, has been shown to be inconsistent with a complete theoretical treatment and the traditional Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equations need to be modified into the new Einstein-Maxwell-Thomas-Fermi (EMTF) set of equations. We construct neutron star equilibrium configurations taking into account strong, weak, electromagnetic, and gravitational interactions in the framework of general relativity. The core is assumed to be composed by a degenerate fluid of interacting neutrons, protons and electrons in beta-equilibrium. The strong interaction is modeled through the exchange of the sigma, omega, and rho virtual mesons. The equilibrium equations are based on the EMTF equations, together with the condition of constancy of the particle "Klein potentials" (general relativistic Fermi energies) throughout the configuration. The resulting star is formed by a positively charged core at supranuclear density surrounded by an electron distribution with a thickness of the order of the electron Compton wavelength. The matching between core and crust is ensured by the continuity of the Klein potential for all particle species. Consequently, in total generality a global structure is derived having in general an overcritical field in the separation between the core and the crust. Such a field is stable as a consequence of Pauli Blocking of the degenerate electrons. We obtain in general crusts with smaller mass and thickness with respect to the obtained with a TOV approach and, in particular, we show the existence of neutron stars whose inner crust is fully suppressed. This leads to a distinct new neutron star mass-radius relation, which we compare and contrast with the traditional one obtained from the TOV treatment.

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