Talk detail

MG13 - Talk detail

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Blair, David


The University of Western Australia  - 35 Striling Highway - Perth - Westeran Australia - Australia







Oral abstract


The energy interaction between gravitational waves and laser interferometers


It is generally believed that laser interferometer gravitational wave detectors do not absorb energy from gravitational waves. In this talk we will show that this idea is in general incorrect. We show that the energy interaction is strongly determined by the relative amplitude of the signal sidebands, which themselves may be modifed by interferometer detuning. When an interferometer is detuned by adding a signal recycling mirror, the optical spring effect causes gravitational wave energy to be stored in the signal sidebands. However, when the detuning is zero, the gravitational wave still drives the motion of test masses, but gravitational wave energy is no longer stored in the system. This change occurs through a sideband feedback process which suppresses the mechanical input impedance of the detector. We prove this by deriving the quantum Manley-Rowe equation for the gravitational wave interferometer. We present curves for the gravitational wave energy stored in the optical bar interferometer when we change elastic properties of the interferometer through tuning the parameters of the signal recycling mirror.

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