Talk detail

MG13 - Talk detail

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Mychelkin, Eduard


Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute of National center for Space Research and Technology  - Observatory - Almaty - - Kazakhstan







Oral abstract


Geometrical Foundations and Physical Realization of Dark Energy


We continue our previous MG12 talk about dark energy (DE) and dark energy (DM) as two-fold identifiable scalar fields. The geometrical justification of those follows from consideration of the space-time deformation tensor. The realistic Papapetrou and Szekeres-type joinable solutions describe DE with the local ‘crucial’ effects and the accelerated cosmological expansion always going over to contraction. The last solution is considered as a primordial universe filled by massive DE anti-scalar field with effective mass-scale related to cosmological term. This field is identified as superposition of two quasi-static electric fields and realizes as a seed vacuum to produce all other matter fields. A preferable initial scenario is not a big-bang at Planckian scale but a triple bounce at the electro-week scale threshold which is quite sufficient to produce the three generations of leptons and constituents of baryons with subsequent standard evolution of the universe. See also the next report ‘Neutrinos and Gravity’ devoted to tachyon DM.







Oral abstract


Neutrinos and Gravity


The problems of neutrino background and gravity were at first studied by Brill and Wheeler [Rev. Mod. Phys. 20, 465 (1957)] for the massless case. Later through oscillation phenomena neutrinos were proved to be massive. So, the chirality invariance of neutrinos implies that their masses should be only of tachyon nature. The accuracy of OPERA and ICARUS experiments is not sufficient to prove or disprove this statement, and other studies are now being held as well. The superluminal neutrinos and antineutrinos background scalar conglomerate (not a condensate) may be considered as a permanent factor of the universe evolution which is the only realistic candidate for the dark matter. To avoid the known quantization difficulties the free tachyon neutrino flows should be remained unquantized and so the use of tachyon Klein-Gordon (instead of Dirac) equation will be sufficient to study stationary DM effects. For non-stationary case the new tachyonic anti-collapse phenomenon is predicted to be responsible for quantum production of the matter from the primordial radial decelerated and accelerated neutrino and antineutrinos flows in central domain of strong gravitational field to be related to the initial cosmological stage and maybe to the current processes in the active galactic nuclei.

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