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Nurgaliev, Ildus


Moscow State Timiryazev University  - Apt. 2, House 7, 4th Novomikhalkovsky Str. - Moscow - Moscow - Russia







Oral abstract


Einstein Universe Revisited and End of Dark Era


Einstein Universe Revisited and End of Dark Era Ildus Nurgaliev Department of Physics, Moscow State Timiryazev University, Timiryazevskaya Str., 49. Moscow, Russia, 12755. E-mail: Historically the earliest general relativistic cosmological solution was received by Einstein himself as homogenous, isotropic one and, in accordance with European cosmology, static. The Eternal Universe was scientific model conflicting with the existed theological model of the Universe created by God, therefore, of the limited age. Christianity, younger Islam, older Judaism are based on creationism. Much older oriental traditions such us Hinduism and Buddhism are based on conceptions of eternal and cyclic Universe which are closer to scientific worldview. To have static universe Einstein needed a factor to counteract gravity and postulated cosmological term and considered it as a disadvantage of the theory. This aesthetic dissatisfaction was amplified by declining to interpret distance-redshift relationship as a cosmological expansion effect and emerged scientific cosmological community (excluding Hubble himself – almost always) endorsed expanding Universe. At the same time, as it is shown in this report, a natural well known factors do exist to counteract to gravity. They are known as inertial centrifugal forces. To bring these forces to their place in cosmological kinematics, where they were absent long time, we have to start from the very scratch - from point of the second type. We change the conception of material point radically in its essence. First, the material point of the second type is characterized by mass density, rather than by mass, as the point of the first type does. Another big difference is its ability to spin, to expand and to be distorted. Gravitational spin-spin interaction is well known to be able to avert cosmological singularity, as well as to stabilize Universe counteracting to the gravitational contraction [1]. A theory without Cartan torsion is presented in this report, but it includes vorticity and shear (additionally to expansion) imitating dark energy and dark matter respectively into standard general relativistic conception as well as into non-relativistic hydro- and aerodynamics. Note that repulsive effect of the nonzero isotropic spin is interpreted by cosmological observers as accelerated expansion caused by invisible component. Therefore we need to conclude that it is time the cosmological principle of the homogeneousness and the isotropy of the matter distribution and the expansion in the Universe to exchange to the principle of the homogeneousness and isotropy of the irregularities in the matter distribution and the cosmological expansion [2-4]. This paradigm shifts as from the single Bing Bang to Zillions Bounces conception in the waving Universe [5]. 1. Nurgaliev I.S., Ponomarev V.N.” The Earliest Evolutionary Stages of the Universe and Space Time Torsion.” Physics letters, 1983, v. B, No 6, pp.358 359. 2. Nurgaliev I.S. «Singularities Are Averted by Vortices». Gravitation and Cosmology, 2010, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 313–315. 3. Nurgaliev I.S. “Confirmation of Cosmological Bounces Predicted by Alexander Friedmann.” International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 3 (2011) pp. 281–285. 4. Nurgaliev I.S. “Nonlinearities in the Universe.” Proceedings of the 12th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories.” 12-18 July 2009. World Scientific, Part C, pp. 1748-1752. 5. Mario Novello Symposium on Bouncing Models.







Oral abstract


Dark Energy and Dark Matter as Dynamic Cosmologic Terms Stand for Vorticity and Shear


Missed components in the standard cosmological dynamics are vorticity and shear, kinematic terms. Averaged term of squared vorticity is term of accelerated expansion caused by negative energy of the repulsive factor. Cosmologic singularity was a consequence of the unrealistically excessive cosmological principle (too detailed symmetry of flow) such as Hubble law. Appropriated realistic one is also linear but has tensor character. Cosmologic principle is applied to irregularities – they are homogeneous and isotropic in average. The Big Bang is a reminiscence of the local bounce which is typical among zillions others. Exact solutions are presented.

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