Talk detail

MG13 - Talk detail

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Taliukder, Mohammad


Varendra University  - 529/1 Kazla - Rajshahi - Rajshahi - Bangladesh







Oral abstract


Faster than Light Speed and Einstein¡¯s View of Special Relativity


According to Einstein¡¯s view of relativity, a particle having finite rest mass cannot reach the speed of light because in that case its mass becomes infinite. In this paper, we discuss the issue of speed greater than that of light within the framework of the theory of relativity. For this purpose, we have classified velocity into 2 classes -- Galilean and relativistic. The Galilean velocity can have any value between 0 and ¡Þ; the relativistic velocity follows Lorentz¨CEinstein (L-E) law of addition and cannot exceed the speed of light c. Then, we have developed the transformation relation from Galilean to relativistic velocity and vise versa. Further, using the relativistic rule for multiplication of velocities, we have demonstrated that the velocity in the relativity factor of Special Relativity (SR) is relativistic. Finally, we have taken a Galilean velocity of 1.02c into consideration as an example. Then, we have applied the transformation relation to find out the corresponding relativistic value. Using that value we have shown that the relativistic mass increases only by a factor of 1.57. Thus, we conclude that faster than light speed is possible within the framework of the theory of relativity.

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