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Toffolatti, Luigi


University of Oviedo  - c. Calvo Sotelo, s/n - Oviedo - Asturias - Spain







Oral abstract


Extragalactic Point Sources in the Planck Sky


The first 1.6 full-sky surveys of the Planck satellite from 30 to 857 GHz have allowed to detect from several hundreds to many thousands extragalactic point sources, presented in the Early Release Compact Source Catalogue (ERCSC). All these sources can be classified into: a) non-thermal sources, i.e. sources with emission dominated by non-thermal synchrotron radiation; b) dusty galaxies, i.e. sources with a e.m. spectrum dominated by thermal dust emission. As for Planck's number counts, at 143 and 217 GHz they joint smoothly with the ones at fainter flux densities provided by SPT and ACT, whereas at lower frequencies they are in agreement with WMAP counts. A clear steepening of the mean spectral index of bright radio sources is observed at above 70 GHz. This result has been interpreted (Tucci et al., 2011) by a "break" frequency, v_M, at mm wavelegths in the spectrum of sources, as foreseen by physical models of the synchrotron emission in the inner jets of blazars. As for local dusty galaxies, Planck observations find evidence of colder dust, with T< 20 K, than has previously been found.

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