Talk detail

MG14 - Talk detail

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Pimenta, Mário


LIP  - Av. Elias Garcia 14, 1 - Lisboa - - Portugal








16:30 30'


Oral abstract


Particle Physics at ãs=100 TeV with high energy cosmic rays
Coauthors Conceiçao, Ruben


The recent discovery of the Higgs boson and so far the absence of signals of new Physics at the LHC scale encourage many physicists to discuss how to achieve the next possible physics scale, ãs=100 TeV. Projects as the Future Circular Collider (FCC) are already under design but, for sure, will not be a reality before many years. However, the ãs=100 TeV scale is already being probed in the extreme high energy cosmic rays collisions and, in spite of all the difficulties due to the very low luminosities, the uncertainty on the beam nature and the indirect detection methods, may be an unique opportunity to observe in our lifetime, global phenomena as changes in the total proton-proton cross section which may be an indication of the existence, at that scale, of new physics like compositeness or extra-dimensions. In this talk the results obtained so far by the high energy cosmic rays experiments and in particular those that might indicate the need of changing the current hadronic interaction models are reviewed. A discussion on the requirements for a second generation of those experiments optimized to study hadronic interactions at these extreme energies is also done.

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