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Burinskii, Alexander


Theor. Phys. Lab. NSI, Russ. Acad. Sci.  - B. Tulskaya 52 - Moscow - Moscow region - Russia








17:30 15'


Oral abstract


Core of the Kerr-Newman Solution as a BPS-saturated spinning soliton


Gravitational and electromagnetic (EM) field of the Dirac electron is described by an ultra-extreme Kerr-Newman (KN) black hole (BH) solution which has the naked singular ring and two-sheeted topology. This space is regulated by the formation of a solitonic source which shares much in common with the known MIT- and SLAC-bag models, but has the important advantage, of being in accordance with gravitational and electromagnetic field of the external KN solution. The used field model is supersymmetric LG model based on three chiral fields forming a domain wall bubble interpolating between the external exact KN solution and a supersymmetric core, which replaces the singular Compton zone of the Kerr-Newman electron by a flat false-vacuum region. We reduce Hamiltonian to a Bogomolnyi form compatible to the Kerr-Schild coordinates and obtain the BPS-saturated solution, which uniquely determines a stable shape of the soliton and its features as an oscillon with quantized angular momentum. The BPS-bound indicates that the KN source is to be flexible and compliant to deformations which, similar to the known features of the bag models, may create stringy structures. In particular, for stationary KN solution the BPS-bound determines the stable bag as a thin ellipsoidal disk completed by a solitonic ring-string on the sharp border. In the same time, the BPS-bound state shows that the ring-string traveling waves should generate extra deformations of the bag and create a singular pole, which circulates together with traveling waves as zitterbewegung of an electron, indicating that the dressed and pointlike electron may be united in a single `bag-string-quark' system. Reference: A. Burinskii, Gravitating Lepton Bag Model, ZhETP, v. 148, 1 (7), 2015 (in press).

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17:00 15'


Oral abstract


Source of the Kerr-Newman Solution as a Semiclassical Model of Dressed Electron


As is known that external gravitational and EM fields of an electron are described by an over-rotating Kerr-Newman (KN) solution which has a topological defect and should be regulated by a source of the solution. The field model of this source is described by Higgs mechanism of symmetry breking. Two-sheeted structure of the Kerr geometry determined by the Kerr theorem turns out to be adapted with the Dirac equation. The spinning KN source takes the form of a thin ellipsoidal disk, sharp border of which forms a ring-string similar to solitonic strings, solution to the low enetrgy string theory. This string admits traveling waves, which deform the source, creating a traveling singular pole. As a result, the KN source unifies the dressed and point-like electron in a single gravitating quark-string-bag complex.

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