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MG14 - Talk detail

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QADIR, Asghar


Department of Physics, School of Natural Sciences, National University of Sciences & Technology  - H-12 - Islamabad - Islamabad - Pakistan








16:50 20'


Oral abstract


Radiative Corrections to Magnetic Seed Generation in Plasmas by Spacetime Curvature
Coauthors Qadir, Asghar and Herbst, Rhameez S.


There is a problem of the spontaneous generation of a magnetic field in a spherically symmetric Universe. The essential problem is that the magnetic field must have a preferred direction but an undifferentiated gas does not. Since the interstellar medium is a plasma, which is an undifferentiated gas, there seems to be no mechanism for a magnetic field to be spontaneously generated. One needs a random effect leading to a small magnetic field. Since other random effects will cancel it, one further needs a mechanism to make the field grow. I review a suggestion of special relativistic effects yielding the desired magnetic seed, give a different interpretation leading naturally to spacetime curvature effects and then present some work in progress demonstrating feasibility of that interpretation. This is easier in a geometry not spherically symmetric static but axially symmetric stationary. Then only one of two directions to be randomly select instead of one of infinitely many. The suggestion will finally be in the context of such a geometry.

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