Talk detail

MG14 - Talk detail

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Liu, Kuo


Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy  - Auf dem Hugel 69 - Bonn - - Germany








17:50 15'


Oral abstract


Pulsar--black hole systems: prospects for gravity tests in the new era


Systems consisting of a pulsar and a black hole are believed to be the holy grail of gravity experiments. They will provide us unprecedented opportunities to test general relativity (GR) and in particular its prediction of black hole physics. In this talk, I will present an overview of the potential gravity experiments that can be carried out with pulsar timing observations, once a pulsar--black hole system is discovered. I will focus on two scenarios: a binary pulsar with a stellar-mass black hole companion, and a pulsar in orbit with the super-massive black hole in our Galaxy, the Sgr A*. It will be shown that on both scenarios, one can expect to measure the mass, the spin, and even the quadrupole moment of the black hole with high precision. Those measurements will lead to direct tests of GR's cosmic censorship conjecture and no-hair theorem. I will also show that a pulsar--black hole system can improve our constrains on alternative theories of gravity even if they practically predict black holes identical to GR's. Specifically for the second scenario, I will briefly discuss how the test of no-hair theorem can be improved by combining pulsar experiments with other relevant efforts such as stellar astrometry and imaging the event horizon of Sgr A*.

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