Talk detail

MG14 - Talk detail

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Schreiber, Ulrich


Technische Universitaet Muenchen  - Arcisstr. 21 - Muenchen - Bavaria - Germany








14:30 30'


Oral abstract


Inertial Rotation Sensing For Space Geodesy And Beyond
Coauthors Schreiber, Ulrich; Gebauer, André; Kluegel, Thomas; Hurst, Robert B.; Wells, Jon-Paul R.


Inertial rotation sensing, as exploited in Sagnac interferometers, does not require an external frame of reference as opposed to the VLBI technique. Large HeNe ring lasers constitute the only technical realizations to date that have sufficient measurement resolution to be useful for geodesy and geophysics. Furthermore they represent the only measurement technique, which is directly linked to the instantaneous axis of rotation of the Earth. However there are serious demands placed on this sensor. Scale factor stability to ∆f/f ≤ 10^-10 and the absence of non-reciprocal coupling of the two counter-propagating laser beams are mandatory. After implementing a numerical correction model, based on a few readily available measurement quantities from the ring laser cavity local tilts remain as the predominant error source. We present a measurement series of more than 130 days of length, which is essentially free of drift. This talk will outline the recent achievements and look at the potential for ring laser application in fundamental physics.

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