Talk detail

MG14 - Talk detail

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Aubin, Francois


University of Minnesota  - 116 Church St. SE - Minneapolis - Minnesota - USA








15:50 20'


Oral abstract


Status of the E and B Experiment Data Analysis
Coauthors Aubin, Francois; Aboobaker, Asad M.; Ade, Peter; Araujo, Derek; Baccigalupi, Carlo; Bao, Chaoyun; Borrill, Julian; Chapman, Daniel; Didier, Joy; Dobbs, Matt; Feeney, Stephen; Geach, Christopher; Hanany, Shaul; Helson, Kyle; Hillbrand, Seth; Hilton, Gene; Hubmayr, Johannes; Johnson, Bradley; Jaffe, Andrew; Jones, Terry; Kisner, Ted; Klein, Jeff; Korotkov, Andrei; Lee, Adrian; Levinson, Lorne; Limon, Michele; Macdermid, Kevin; Marchenko, Valerie; Miller, Amber D.; Milligan, Michael; Pascale, Enzo; Puglisi, Giuseppe; Raach, Kate; Reichborn-Kjennerud, Britt; Reintsema, Carl; Sagiv, Ilan; Smecher, Graeme; Stompor, Radek; Tristram, Matthieu; Tucker, Gregory S.; Westbrook, Ben; Young, Karl; Zilic, Kyle.


The E and B Experiment (EBEX) is a balloon-borne instrument designed to measure the polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation and to characterize the polarization of galactic dust. The instrument has three frequency bands centered around 150, 250 and 410 GHz and polarimetry is achieved through a wire grid and a constantly rotating achromatic half-wave plate on superconducting magnetic bearings. EBEX was launched in December 2012 and circumnavigated Antarctica acquiring data for 10 days and observing approximately 6000 square degrees of sky. This is the first balloon flight to operate a kilo-pixel array of transition-edge sensor bolometers. They were read out with SQUID-based digital frequency domain multiplexing system. I will present the status of data analysis for EBEX, focusing on the calibration achieved through a multi-parameter simultaneous optimization of the detector response, time-constant, beam size and pointing offsets for the whole camera. Finally, I will discuss EBEX10K, an experiment with improved CMB BB power spectrum sensitivity compared to EBEX2012, and 49 times the dust BB power spectrum sensitivity of Planck. EBEX10K, which is based on dual-color sinuous antenna multi-chroic pixels in frequency bands centered on 150, 220, 280 and 350 GHz, will complement ground-based probes and provide unprecedented sensitivity on the dust foreground.

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