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MG14 - Talk detail

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Hansraj, Sudan


University of KwaZulu Natal  - King George v avenue - Durban - Kzn - South Africa








17:45 15'


Oral abstract


Interior metrics for higher dimensional spherically symmetricfluids in Einstein-Maxwell-Gauss-Bonnet theory
Coauthors Mlaba, S. M.


Recently exact solutions for the interiors of neutral relativistic spherically symmetric stars were obtained in the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity theory (Hansraj, Maharaj and Chilambwe (EPJC 2015), Maharaj, Chilambwe and Hansraj (PRD 2015), Chilambwe, Hansraj and Maharaj (IJMPD 2015). We investigate the problem of finding spacetimes for perfect fluids in electric fields. In this regards, the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet field equations are supplemented by the Maxwell's equations. It turns out that the problem amounts to solving a system of six partial differential equations in four unknowns. Two of the geometrical or dynamical variables may be chosen a priori and the remaining four may be determined by integration. We are able to find exact models by utilising metric ansatze equivalent to the Schwarzschild interior metric as well as the Finch Skea metric for the standard Einstein gravity. Additional new solutions are reported for different choices of the electric field and gravitational potential. A study of such solutions is proceeding. In particular we investigate the role of the charge on the mass-radius relationship and consequently the equation of state if it can be explicitly found. The usual Einstein junction conditions are extrapolated to the EGBM case and we require the existence of a pressure free hypersurface to define the boundary of the star. The energy conditions are also examined as is the causality criterion.

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