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MG14 - Talk detail

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Pagano, Luca


University of Rome "Sapienza"  - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5 - Rome - Lazio - Italy








17:05 15'


Oral abstract


Requirements of an Half Wave Plate suitable for measurements of the polarization of the cosmic microwave background radiation
Coauthors Pagano, Luca; Piacentini, Francesco; de Bernardis, Paolo; Masi, Silvia; Pisano, Giampaolo


In this contribution we provide the requirements for the construction of a Half Wave Plate (HWP) to be used in missions dedicated to the measurement of the polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation, and in particular of the B-mode component of this polarization. We review the top-level requirements that such a mission must meet to enable it to achieve the primary science goals of precisely characterizing the lensing B-mode signal and detecting the inflationary B-mode signal in the case that the tensor-to-scalar ratio is r > 0.001. We investigate how these requirements propagate down to requirements on possible HWP non-idealities and systematic effects. We focus on major known HWP systematics and investigate the effects of phase shift between the two HWP axes, a differential transmission between the two transmitted polarizations and cross-polarization leakage. We also investigate the impact of a frequency dependence of these effects. Finally we show the impact of the HWP non-idealities on the CMB power spectra and on the cosmological parameter constrains.

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