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Di Palma, Irene


Max Planck Institute  - Am Muehlenberg 1 - Golm - Germany - Germany








18:00 15'


Oral abstract


Method for deep all-sky searches for continuous gravitational wave signals
Coauthors Eggenstein, HB.; Papa MA.; Walsh, S.


The searches for continuous gravitational wave signals are computationally limited, require relatively little data for very long processing times and this makes a volunteer computing project a very good match for the problem. Einstein@Home provides the computing power necessary to carry out the deepest searches over the huge volume of parameter space that may harbor a signal [Phys.Rev. D87 (2013) 4, 042001]. On Einstein@Home we have always deployed our cutting-edge searches, the best that we had at any time. The one that is “on the air” at the time of writing this abstract (June 2015) is the second follow-up stage of candidate-points from an all-sky search on S6 LIGO data, with run code-name S6Bucket. In this search we have concentrated our efforts on a few hundred Hz around the highest sensitivity region of the detector, the so-called “bucket”. We have selected the 16 million most promising points from this search and have performed a first follow-up of these (code-name “FU1”, also on E@H). After this stage we could discard about 65% of the 16 million candidates and reduce the search volume around the surviving ones by a factor of 100 with respect to the FU1 search volume. The search that is running now, FU2, is performing the follow-up on this reduced volume around each candidate and it is significantly more sensitive than any of the previous ones. We expect to be able to rule out all but several tens to a few hundred thousand candidates and achieve a further very significant reduction in search volume for the next follow-up, FU3. This last stage we should be able to carry out on our local computing cluster in about a month. It will be very exciting to find what candidates, if any, survive the significance threshold of FU3.

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