Talk detail

MG14 - Talk detail

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Drago, Marco


Albert Einstein Institut Hannover  - Callinstraße 38 - Hannover - - - Germany








17:40 15' + 5'


Oral abstract


Gravitational wave detector network with Invariant Topologies
Coauthors Klimenko, Sergey; Prodi, Giovanni A.; Vedovato, Gabriele


The scientific value of gravitational wave (GW) observations can be greatly enhanced by the reconstruction of source characteristics, giving insights on the GW emission process and possibly allowing multimessenger observation of the source. This presentation discusses the case of transient GW signal searches and addresses the performances of the planned network of advanced GW detectors for source localization, using sample astrophysical populations. We focus on the possibility to enhance these performances introducing an Invariant Topology site, i.e. a site which shows a directional sky coverage invariant under rotation on the site horizontal plane and is made by two or more co-located interferometric detectors that may have non orthogonal arms. We show that such new configurations provide better or at least comparable results than adding detectors at different locations on the Earth. In fact, an Invariant Topology site improves the sky coverage of both polarization components of the GW and this effect is more advantageous than improving triangulation capabilities by adding a standard detector site to the network. We finally compare the source location performances of the planned detector networks with those of ideal networks identified on the basis of symmetry considerations.

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Poster abstract


Gravitational wave detector network with Invariant Topologies
Coauthors Klimenko, Sergey; Prodi, Giovanni A.; Vedovato, Gabriele


The scientific value of gravitational wave (GW) observations can be greatly enhanced by the reconstruction of source characteristics, giving insights on the GW emission process and possibly allowing multimessenger observation of the source. This presentation discusses the case of transient GW signal searches and addresses the performances of the planned network of advanced GW detectors for source localization, using sample astrophysical populations. We focus on the possibility to enhance these performances introducing an Invariant Topology site, i.e. a site which shows a directional sky coverage invariant under rotation on the site horizontal plane and is made by two or more co-located interferometric detectors that may have non orthogonal arms. We show that such new configurations provide better or at least comparable results than adding detectors at different locations on the Earth. In fact, an Invariant Topology site improves the sky coverage of both polarization components of the GW and this effect is more advantageous than improving triangulation capabilities by adding a standard detector site to the network. We finally compare the source location performances of the planned detector networks with those of ideal networks identified on the basis of symmetry considerations.

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