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Zanchin, Vilson


Universidade Federal do ABC  - Avenida dos Estados, 5001 - Santo André - São Paulo - Brazil








14:50 10'


Oral abstract


Regular black holes from electrically charged phantom fluids
Coauthors Lemos, José P. S.


In the present work regular black hole solutions are found among the exact solutions of general relativity coupled to Maxwell's electromagnetism and charged matter given by Guilfoyle (GRG {\bf 31}, 1645 (1999)). These are solutions representing spherically symmetric charged perfect fluid distributions whose metric potentials and electromagnetic fields are related in some particularly simple form, and the total energy density of the fluid, including the electromagnetic energy, obeys the relation $\rho_{\rm m}(r) + {Q^2(r)}/ {\left(8\pi\,r^4\right)}= {\rm constant}$, where $\rho_{\rm m}(r)$ and $Q(r)$ are respectively the energy density of the matter and the electric charge at $r$. We show that, for certain range of the parameters of the model, there are objects which correspond to regular charged black holes, whose interior region is filled by a charged phantom-like fluid, or, in the limiting case, de Sitter,and whose exterior region is Reissner-Nordstr\"om. There are several type of solutions: regular non-extremal black holes with a timelike smooth boundary, regular extremal black holes with a timelike smooth boundary, and regular black holes with a null matter boundary. The main physical and geometrical properties of such charged regular solutions are analyzed.

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