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Sparvoli, Roberta


University of Rome Tor Vergata  - Via della Ricerca Scientifica 1 - Rome - ITALY - Italy








15:10 20' + 5'


Oral abstract


Precision measurements of cosmic rays with the experiment PAMELA
Coauthors Roberta Sparvoli for the PAMELA collaboration


The PAMELA experiment was launched in space in June 2006. In nine years of data taking, PAMELA has discovered very interesting features in cosmic rays, namely in the fluxes of protons, helium, electrons, that might change our basic vision of the mechanisms of production, acceleration and propagation of cosmic rays in the Galaxy. In addition, PAMELA measurements of cosmic antiproton and positron fluxes are setting strong constraints to the nature of Dark Matter. Other experiments confirmed PAMELA observations and started a new era, where precision measurements of cosmic rays force many paradigms considered as “standard” in CR physics to be reviewed. The continuous particle detection allows PAMELA to get a constant monitoring of the solar activity, thus enabling a detailed study of the solar modulation for a long period; this gives important improvements to the comprehension of the mechanisms acting in the heliosphere. PAMELA is also measuring the radiation environment around the Earth, and has recently discovered an antiproton radiation belt.

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