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Di Domenico, Antonio


Sapienza University of Rome  - P.le A. Moro, 2 - Roma - - Italy








15:30 30'


Oral abstract


CPT symmetry, Quantum Gravity, and entangled neutral K mesons
Coauthors Di Domenico, Antonio


Even though CPT symmetry appears to be experimentally respected in Nature, with a very solid theoretical foundation in the well known CPT theorem, tiny CPT violation effects could be justified in the framework of a quantum theory of gravity with non trivial space-time topologies, in some cases implying a loss of coherence in single and entangled quantum states. Entangled neutral K mesons produced in phi meson decays constitute a very special quantum system, which demonstrate, in the most impressive manner, a number of spectacular quantum phenomena. This system appears specially suited for testing the basic principles of Quantum Mechanics and CPT symmetry, thanks to its extreme sensitivity to possible CPT violation and decoherence effects and the subtle interplay between entanglement and discrete symmetries. So far no deviation from the expectations of CPT symmetry and Quantum Mechanics is observed, while the precision of the measurements, in some cases, reaches the interesting Planck scale region, where CPT violation effects driven by quantum gravity might show up. Prospects for this kind of experimental studies will be presented.

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