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MG14 - Talk detail

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Mauskopf, Philip


Arizona State University  - 650 Tyler Mall - Tempe - Arizona - USA








18:15 15'


Oral abstract


The Next Generation BLAST experiment and BFORE: Magnetic Fields, Dust and Cosmology
Coauthors Ade, Peter A. R.; Dober, Brad; Ashton, Peter ; Angilè, Francesco E. ; Beall, James A. ; Becker, Dan ; Bradford, Kristi J. ; Che, George ; Cho, Hsiao-Mei ; Devlin, Mark J.; Dunkley, Jo; Fissel, Laura M. ; Fukui, Yasuo ; Galitzki, Nicholas ; Gao, Jiansong ; Groppi, Christopher E. ; Hillbrand, Seth ; Hilton, Gene C. ; Hubmayr, Johannes ; Irwin, Kent D. ; Klein, Jeffrey ; Van Lanen, Jeff ; Li, Dale ; Li, Zhi-Yun ; Lourie, Nathan P. ; Mani, Hamdi ; Martin, Peter G. ; McMahon, Jeff; Nakamura, Fumitaka; Niemack, Michael; Novak, Giles ; Pappas, David P. ; Pascale, Enzo ; Santos, Fabio P.; Savini, Giorgio; Scott Douglas; Solar, Juan; Stanchfield, Sara; Ullom, Joel N.; Vissers, Michael R.; Ward-Thompson, Derek


Magnetic fields can produce polarized emission from dust and rotate the orientation of polarized background emission through Faraday rotation. Polarized dust emission has been measured by the PLANCK satellite and also at lower frequencies by the ground-based BICEP2 and KECK instruments and is the dominant foreground source for experiments attempting to detect B-mode polarization at frequencies of > 100 GHz. I will describe two balloon experiments, BLAST-TNG and BFORE that are designed to measure this emission with ~10x better sensitivity than PLANCK over a frequency range from 280 GHz - 1.5 THz. Both of these experiments are using new detector and readout technologies to deploy large arrays of mm-wave and FIR detectors. I will also describe how multi-frequency polarization data at lower frequencies can be used to measure faraday rotation of the CMB E-mode polarization and separate the effects of magnetic fields in our galaxy from faraday rotation during reionization and recombination.

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