Talk detail

MG14 - Talk detail

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Di Virgilio, Angela D. V.


INFN-Pisa  - Largo B. Pontecorvo 3 - Pisa - Italy - Italy







Oral abstract


Summary of Parallel Section PT3 Experimental Gravitation


The experiments related to General Relativity (GR) can be divided into three categories: (i) Experiments testing the foundations of GR like the Einstein Equivalence Principle which is basic for establishing the Riemannian structure of space-time describing the gravitational interaction, (ii) experiments related to the structure of the field equations, thus justifying the Einstein field equations, and (iii) experiments and observations confirming the predictions of GR, like the physics of Black Holes. We add a forth group of experiments related to the framework which is needed to describe tests of category (i). Here we experimentally explore the structure of the equations of motion which are used to formalize e.g. the Universality of Free Fall. In this summary we outline this general structure and, thus, link together all the talks of this session in order to obtain a complete picture of Experimental Gravitation. We add reports on applications of GR in Earth sciences, geodesy, positioning and others. These applications also represent daily tests and confirmation of the validity of GR.

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