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Sbarrato, Tullia


Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca  - piazza della Scienza 3 - Milano - - Italy







Oral abstract


The Disk-Jet Connection In Blazars


The connection between accretion flow and relativistic jet is a hot topic in AGN physics. How the jet is launched and how it gets energy to accelerate are still open questions. With the advent of large high-energy, radio and optical surveys, some important observational clues on these issues have been obtained. New precise jet power estimates can be derived for hundreds of blazars, both from gamma-ray and radio data. This allows to compare jets and accretion processes in a robust way. The rate of matter feeding the blazar determines the accretion process and is responsible for the intrinsic differences between the two main blazar subclasses: FSRQs and BL Lacs, that show strong broad emission line or no prominent emission features, respectively. The jet power is found to correlate with the accretion rate, suggesting that the accretion plays an important role in fueling the jet itself, irrespective of the accretion process. Still, the jet power is dominant over the accretion luminosity. This suggests that another mechanism could be involved in the jet production, maybe linked to the black hole spin.

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