Talk detail

MG14 - Talk detail

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Bohé, Alejandro


AEI, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics  - Am Mühlenberg 1 - Potsdam - Brandenburg - Germany







Oral abstract


Spin effects on the dynamics and gravitational-wave emission from compact binaries


Binaries of compact objects (i.e. binary systems of black holes and/or neutron stars) are one of the most promising sources of gravitational waves to be detected by the advanced versions of the ground-based detectors LIGO and Virgo and by future space-based interferometers. Successfully extracting the very weak signal from the noise and estimating the parameters of the source with good precision can be achieved using matched filtering techniques provided that the waveform is accurately modeled. In this talk, I will present recent progress in the computation of spin effects in the post-Newtonian (PN) description of the inspiral phase of the coalescence of compact binary systems. More specifically, I will focus on the recent derivation of non-linear in spin effects in both the dynamics (where equivalence with previously known results was found) and the energy flux emitted as gravitational waves. I will in particular review the formalism used to model the two compact objects as spinning point particles endowed with spin-induced multipoles and highlight the main ingredients of the calculation. I will also briefly discuss the relevance of these newly derived corrections for data-analysis.

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