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MG14 - Talk detail

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Dutta, Broja Gopal


RISHI BANKIM CHANDRA COLLEGE & INDIAN CENTRE FOR SPACE PHYSICS  - East Kantalpara, Naihati - Kolkata - West Bengal - India







Oral abstract


Inclination effects and time variability properties of black hole transients


We study the time variability properties of black hole transients densely monitored by the RXTE instruments. We systematically study the time/phase lag at QPO frequency. We measured the phase lags between soft (2-5 keV) and hard (5-13 keV) photons over the QPO. We find hard lags for centroid frequency monotonically increasing for the low inclination sources and hard lags monotonically decrease and become negative (i.e., soft lag) close to 3.0 Hz for the high inclination sources. Thus we find two opposite correlation for the edge-on systems and the face-on binary systems. We also find that the evolution properties of low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) do not depend on the orbital inclination though the amplitude of low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillation (QPOs) depends on the orbital inclination. Thus evolution of phase/time lags and low frequency QPOs is correlated with the intrinsic dynamical structure of the emitting region. We conclude these evolution could be due to the movement of the comptonizing region itself and confirming the propagatory shock oscillation model.

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