Talk detail

MG14 - Talk detail

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Bracco, Christian


Paris Observatory, Syrte Dept  - 61 avenue de l'Observatoire - PARIS - - France







Oral abstract


Perspectives of Einstein’s scientific work in Milan.


The different periods in Albert Einstein’s life are generally well documented, except for the Milanese period, which is however a key one for the understanding of Einstein’s training and for the development of his scientific questioning. While being a student at the Eigenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) in Zurich from 1896, Einstein then returned regularly to Milan to meet his family for the holidays. There, he could work on the most recent articles in physics at the rich library of the Lombardo Institute, Academy of Sciences and Letters, as we will establish from his letters to Mileva. Between 1899 and 1901, Einstein meets there his faithful friend and collaborator - Michele Besso, with whom he discusses scientific issues. In respect with their relationship, the Milanese period therefore acts as a prelude to the famous period in Bern from 1904. Hopefully, this new perspective will help to trace back a few of Einstein’s scientific ideas, such as the need to expand his first doctoral work on molecular forces to low pressure gases or even to conceive a first idea of light quanta.

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