Talk detail

MG14 - Talk detail

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Corbel, Stéphane


University Paris Diderot  - 5 rue Thomas Mann - Paris - - France







Oral abstract


Black Holes: Universality Along The Mass Scale?


Black holes are one of the most mysterious and powerful objects in the Universe. They can be found in a wide variety of systems: from the stellar mass black hole in Galactic binary systems up to the supermassive black holes lurking in the centre of galaxies. A population of intermediate mass black holes has also been speculated in order to explain the extremely high luminosity of a few X-ray sources in nearby galaxies. Despite their diversity in mass (from a few to billions solar masses), all these systems display the presence of variable relativistic jets. Those jets are now recognised as vital because they may have significant impact on the nearby environments. These recent years have, furthermore, also highlighted a universal coupling between the jets and the accretion disk, helping to constrain the global properties of accreting black holes along the mass scale. In this talk, I will present the most relevant observations concerning our understanding of relativistic jets in accreting systems and their coupling to the accretion disk, in order to highlight the universal coupling along the large mass scale range in black holes.

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