Talk detail

MG14 - Talk detail

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Armas, Jay


Université Libre de Bruxelles  - ULB-Campus Plaine CP231 - Brussels - Brussels - Belgium







Oral abstract


New Geometries for Black Hole Horizons: a review of the Blackfold Approach


A perturbative method for solving Einstein equations in arbitrary space-time dimensions and with arbitrary asymptotics, known as the blackfold approach, will be reviewed. This method can be used in order to classify possible horizon geometries and topologies in higher dimensions as well as to probe the phase diagram of higher-dimensional black holes. It provides an effective description for the dynamics of black holes by viewing them as ordinary materials with fluid and elastic properties and hence allows to study their stability properties via simple calculations. It will be highlighted that the problem of classifying black hole topologies is related to classifying the possible minimal surfaces in higher dimensions. Furthermore, it will be shown that by integrating out spatial sections of asymptotically flat branes leads to other effective theories such as those describing Myers-Perry branes and helicoidal black branes. Finally, many geometries and topologies will be reviewed and new geometries such as helicoidal branes, helicoidal black rings and helicoidal black tori will be presented, as well as an interesting connection between helicoids and Myers-Perry black holes.

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