Talk detail

MG14 - Talk detail

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Battista, Emmanuele


Università Federico II Napoli  - Via Cintia - Napoli - Campania - Italy







Oral abstract


The quantum effects on all Lagrangian points and prospects to measure the effects in the Earth-Moon system.


The leading long distance quantum corrections to the Newtonian potential imply tiny but observable effects in the restricted three-body problem of celestial mechanics, i.e., at the Lagrangian libration points of stable equilibrium the planetoid is not exactly at equal distance from the two bodies of large mass, but the Newtonian values of its coordinates are changed by a few millimeters in the Earth-Moon system. We show that such a theoretical calculation is governed by a couple of quintic algebraic equation, whereas coordinates of collinear Lagrangian points are given in terms of the solution of an algebraic equation of ninth degree. We also discuss the prospects to measure, with the help of laser ranging, the above departure from the equilateral triangle picture, which is a challenging task. On the other hand, a modern version of the planetoid is the solar sail, and much progress has been made, in recent years, on the displaced periodic orbits of solar sails at all libration points, both stable and unstable. By taking into account the quantum corrections to the Newtonian potential, displaced periodic orbits of the solar sail at libration points are again found to exist.

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Oral abstract


Riemann curvature of a boosted spacetime geometry


We apply the ultrarelativistic boosting procedure to map the metric of Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime into a metric describing de Sitter spacetime plus a shock-wave singularity located on a null hypersurface, by exploiting the picture of the embedding of an hyperboloid in a five-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. After going back to the usual four-dimensioanl formalism, we also solve the geodesic equation and evaluate the Riemann curvature tensor of the boosted Schwarzschild-de Sitter metric by means of numerical calculations, which make it possible to reach the ultrarelativistic regime gradually by letting the boost velocity approach the speed of light. Eventually, the analysis of the Kretschmann invariant (and the geodesic equation) shows the global structure of spacetime, as we demonstrate the presence of a “scalar curvature singularity” within a 3-sphere and that it is also possible to define what we have called “boosted horizon”, a sort of elastic wall where all particles are surprisingly pushed away. This seems to suggest that such “boosted geometries” are ruled by a sort of “antigravity effect" since all geodesics seem to refuse to enter the “boosted horizon” and are “reflected” by it, even though their initial conditions are aimed at driving the particles towards the “boosted horizon” itself.

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