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MG14 - Talk detail

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Pereira Lobo, Iarley


Sapienza University of Rome & ICRANet  - Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 & Piazza della Repubblica, 10 - Rome & Pescara - Lazio & Abruzzo - Italy







Oral abstract


Peculiar Properties Of 3D Gravity, The Magueijo-Smolin Model And Other DSR Relativistic Pictures With Anti-de Sitter Momentum Space


In order to solve the problem of a curved momentum space endowed with an anti-de Sitter metric in four dimensions we propose a general characterization for the description of interactions in terms of the isometry group of a maximally symmetric momentum space. The well known cases of k-Poincaré and 3D gravity composition laws both satisfy our condition. Using this method we found an expression for a possible composition law in anti-de Sitter space in four dimensions, which along with deformed boosts satisfy the condition of being relativistic. Meanwhile, this method permitted us to study, intrinsically, all possible composition laws that could emerge in an anti-de Sitter space and we found some properties regarding the positivity of energy that could affect this setup for any dimensions, including the “3D gravity inspired” case. For the reader who considers such features as unmanageable, we propose a geometrical description of the Magueijo-Smolin DSR construction in terms of an anti-de Sitter space (in fact, it’s best suited than for a de Sitter case) and we found that its composition law is fundamentally different from our previous one, now having a total momentum defined in a less curved momentum space. This way, by construction, it also avoids the “soccer-ball problem”, as well as the issue on the positivity of energy.

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Oral abstract


Geometric Picture Of DSR-Relativistic Theories With De Sitter And Anti-De Sitter Momentum Spaces


For theories formulated with a maximally-symmetric momentum space we propose a general characterization for the description of interactions in terms of the isometry group of the momentum space . The well known cases of k-Poincaré-inspired and 3D-gravity-inspired composition laws both satisfy our condition. Using this method we find an expression for a possible composition law in anti-de Sitter space in four dimensions, which satisfy the requirements for being DSR-relativistic. Meanwhile, this method allows us to study, intrinsically, all possible composition laws that could emerge in an anti-de Sitter momentum space.

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