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MG14 - Talk detail

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Kinugawa, Tomoya


Kyoto University  - Kitashirakawa-Oiwake-cho - Kyoto - Kyoto - Japan







Poster abstract


Population III binary black holes with chirp mass of ~30 Msun and detectability of the quasi-normal mode with frequency ~200 Hz to confirm or refute the Einsteinfs gravity theory in the strong gravity region


Using our population synthesis code, we found that the typical chirp mass of Pop III binary black holes (BH-BHs) is ~30 Msun with the total mass of ~60 Msun so that the inspiral chirp signal as well as quasi normal mode (QNM) of the merged black hole (BH) are interesting targets of KAGRA, Adv. LIGO, Adv. Virgo and GEO network. The detection rate of the coalescing Pop III BH-BHs is 493.6 events/yr(SFRp/(10^(-2.5) Msun /yr/Mpc^3)) Errsys in our standard model where SFRp and Errsys are the peak value of the Pop III star formation rate and the systematic error with Errsys=1 for our standard model, respectively. To evaluate the robustness of chirp mass distribution and the range of Errsys, we examine the dependence of the results on the unknown parameters and the distribution functions in the population synthesis code. We found that the chirp mass has a peak at ~30 Msun in most of parameters and distribution functions as well as Errsys ranges from 0.031 to 1.21. Therefore, the detection rate of the coalescing Pop III BH-BHs ranges 15.3-599.3 events/yr (SFR_p/(10^(-2.5) Msun/yr/Mpc^3)). The minimum rate corresponds to the worst model which we think unlikely so that unless (SFRp/(10^(-2.5)Msun/yr/Mpc^3)) << 0.1, we expect the Pop III BH-BHs merger rate of at least one event per year by KAGRA, Adv. LIGO, Adv. Virgo and GEO network. Since the expected frequency of the QNM of the merged BH of mass ~60 Msun is ~200 Hz where the interferometers have good sensitivity, there is a good chance to check if the Einstein theory is correct or not in the strong gravity region.

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